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08/10/15 10:00 AM

#319324 RE: Nikodemos #319322

WDCO has plenty of shares to unload. Going to the more than 6k to clear that dilution pig out
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08/10/15 10:07 AM

#319327 RE: Nikodemos #319322

Nice! Go NTEK$$!!
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08/10/15 10:08 AM

#319328 RE: Nikodemos #319322

Looking Green today. So much upside here!

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08/10/15 10:18 AM

#319331 RE: Nikodemos #319322

NTEK scrubbed the 1st and 2cnd annual shareholders meetings from the internet, the 1st one is where david foley said ntek was going to be a $1 stock
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08/10/15 11:18 AM

#319338 RE: Nikodemos #319322

NanoTech NEWS: Push To Add Arcade Style Video...

Games To Casinos

Stephen Riesenberger with NanoTech Gaming reminds regulators that game players often learn as they go along. He agrees how-to instructions are needed for fairness but listing every rule creates obstacles for developers and players.

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08/10/15 11:43 AM

#319340 RE: Nikodemos #319322

They better have armed security. Most shareholders still down 80% or more. Hope someone has the balls to not kiss there ass and ask some real questions.