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08/09/15 9:33 PM

#30510 RE: firehorse #30509

You're right, there is no surprise why the stock is this low, even though the company has been profitable for the last three quarters. Communication from the shareholders has been minimal (SEC filings).

Genius Brands reported that the Stan Lee Comics partnership was a three way split or profits after expenses. I've assumed everything else was some type of royalty arrangement or small upfront fee with a small percentage of back-end revenue, if any.

I think "Lucky Man" will be a good test of my theory. The typical deals calls for creators to get an amount equal to between 2 and 5% of each episodes budget, a percentage of international broadcast fees, and a percentage of VOD (digital broadcast, streaming) and DVD sales. I'm expecting the Q2 report Friday to have some "Lucky Man" money, Q3 should have more, and Q4 2015 or Q1 2016 should have international broadcast fees (which could be significant).