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08/05/15 1:24 PM

#205888 RE: doogdilinger #205887

Eric has to be wondering what he's going to do next. If Eric couldn't make any gains or show any savings with the $12 million he raised through dilutions over the years how has he been able to make ends meet when for the last 2 quarters the financials have shown a cash balance of ZERO? I agree that the logical reason that the shelves are empty at Home Depot is because Eric can't afford to ship the product. 1000+ doesn't generate enough sales for Home Depot that they can afford to have shelf space with no products on them. It will be just a matter of time before Home Depot tells Eric to hit the road. In the 9 years I have been following WNBD the company has never looked so dire as it does now. IMO if Eric is forced to do another RS that will be the end of the company and shareholders. If I were holding any shares I would crab what little I can get because a 99% loss is still better than a 100% loss and I see NO chance that this stock will ever go higher except through an RS where shareholders give up ANOTHER 99.8% of their shares.
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Black Beerd

08/05/15 2:15 PM

#205890 RE: doogdilinger #205887

"I guess all those repetitive chest thumping blogs about his supposed level of transparency have all come home to roost now as well as he continues to let WNBD remain at stop sign status on otc markets and not bother blogging the truth to any remaining WNBD shareholders as to why! "

And think about all those shareholders and pumpers he bamboozled that did his bidding... like the infamous dynamic demo duo who drank the kool aide the CEO & THE INFAMOUS & COMPLICIT GALPAL fed them. Even the product promo pumping .... Those who trusted have trouble taking that deceitful knife out of their backs that the CEO & INFAMOUS & COMPLICIT GALPAL put there.

all just my opinion...thanks for the analysis breakdown of perilous options left for this CEO and INFAMOUS & COMPLICIT GALPAL. Looks lie circling the drain to me regardless.