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08/05/15 10:32 AM

#72415 RE: TenKay #72410

Yep....and read the 150M share em..."buy back". NOT ONE WORD about those shares being retired,just bought back. Eh...SO WHAT?? So Eddie or Jorge can DUMP them next August?? If some em..."investor" or group is buying them they could be DUMPED next week. This whole buy back thing is a ridiculous SHAM.

LOL..just re-read the latest PR. The 150 is not a firm 150M but "up to 150M" meaning they might just buy ONE SHARE. ROFLMMFAO!!!!!

What a PUMPED up JOKE. Even if true,taking 150M from a float of 2.6 BILLION is meaningless and that's the way the market has reacted. I'll bet that SHAM group of 120M+ shares NEVER get retired. He$$,that's clear into October before they can be converted anyway.

Gawd Eddie,GIVE IT UP!!!!!


08/05/15 11:16 AM

#72431 RE: TenKay #72410

No, not really. You stated that there is only 1 type of buyback and I already clarified for you that there was not (when I made the example of a leveraged buyback). If a group of private investors buy stock on the open market and exchange certs for restricted shares, that is not a buyback AT THAT STAGE. You do not know the end result of those shares so you cannot dismiss the buyback. If those shares are being returned to the company treasury at the end of the 1 year restriction period, It may be atypical, but IT'S A BUYBACK. Good day sir.

"buyback" the shares are removed from the OS. In what SUTI has described the shares remain in the OS. Big difference.