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08/05/15 10:09 AM

#36460 RE: alanthill #36457

so if this information doesn't sit well with you.. why do you still follow this forum? theres only so much time in a day..if cola is doing something you don't like maybe there are other companies you can spend your time on, right?

IMO, cola could be taking MUCH more than he is. but the reason it doesn't bother me is because as investors, we are CONSTANTLY updated; some times twice a month. things are happening. they have a viable product. now, if cola was one of those CEOs that never keeps investors informed, and didn't have a product, id be out of here in a heart beat; actually I never would have invested in the first place. its all relevant. either SGLB has something you like, and you stay.. or it doesn't.. and you leave. otherwise, its just a waste of your time. good for him to make a decent salary from his business. as investors, all we have to do, is type away in an online forum hoping HE makes us rich. not the other way around. hes getting paid for doing all the work. we have it easy. all we do is go online, buy shares, sit, and eat a sandwich and wait. cola is doing business meetings, traveling, speaking at conferences, is away from his family; hes human too. he has expenses; he has to take care of his health as well. if he becomes sick, this whole thing could go to poo-poo land.

progress is 'slow', but this is a company being built.. not a playground. things take time. if its too slow for you or other investors, why stay in here?

in a post I said last year, if I had to create my own version of printrite at home, the best I could do would be to take a camcorder, duct tape a laser pen to it, and hook it up to a computer monitor and hope for the best. Im not smart enough to create the software; cola and his team is. none of us are smart enough to create printrite on our own.. if we were, we wouldn't be in an online forum called 'iHub' right now.

negative comments in here mean nothing to me. im confident in my DD. ive been investing for years. my timeframe is 5 years from today; 2020.. because its reasonable. if the PPS went down to .0001 I still wouldn't sell. if I lost all my money in this; oh well, I was wrong. SGLB isn't the only company im invested in. but as adamantly as I can say it, and as serious as I can get my point across, I am confident in this company. will SGLB make me a millionaire? IMO yes;..actually take the 'IMO' away because im so confident it will, ill rephrase that and say SGLB will make me a millionaire. the PPS only has to go up slightly for me to make several hundred thousand dollars. SGLB is going to make a number of people in here millionaires. but money aside, that's not the real reason Im here. the technology interests me; and I love the challenge of finding companies that become successful when it seems like they are just about to fail. the money is just a bonus.

no matter what anyone says, there will always be things to complain about. DEFORM was delayed. we never hear 'printrite' in the news. the Q2 didn't have enough revenue to appease investors'. the PPS dropped to .05, cola is making too much, the website is boring.. everyone in here has a personal choice. stay.. or leave. it is no ones fault but my own if I lose money, and its no ones fault but yours if you lose money. if the stakes get to high, sell your shares, and be happy that you didn't lose it all.

im a stock analyst and in all my years of trying to find something sound and something of substance, I have never found a company with as much potential as sigma labs. when the Q2 comes out, if it shows they only increased revenue by $45.21, it wouldn't phase me because this year isn't over. all 3D stocks are hurting right now because everything is new. give it time. and when I say time, I don't mean until September 5, 2015. give it until 2020; if that's too far of a timeframe, this might be the wrong stock.


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08/05/15 10:24 AM

#36462 RE: alanthill #36457

Thank you for continuing to post here, and for providing links or quotes to back up your words. I agree 100% that Independent board members (I noticed that O'Mara is now shown as an Independent, BTW) are for shareholders benefit, and I want more. Also, I agree that Cola does pay himself and his family very well.