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08/04/15 3:28 PM

#161184 RE: Jimmy Joe #161177

"If there is no interest why did one Big Pharma want exclusive world rights?"

What Big Pharma wanted "exclusive world rights" to Elites Tech ??

And if they did it is obvious Big Pharma didn't not place very much value on it !!!!

IB_ ;)


08/04/15 3:38 PM

#161186 RE: Jimmy Joe #161177

Elite has similar technology to Pfizer - better than Pfizer- and I am to believe no BPs are interested in Elite. That is laughable and we both know it. Nasrat stated 2 BPs he didn't even know were interested in ADT came knocking on Elite's door.

Nasrat has a plan and getting Eli 200 approved is step 1. A buyout is step 3.

All this talk about Epic & Mikah. How is Nasrat going to sell plus 152 million shares? Buyout plain and simple.