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08/04/15 2:10 AM

#236412 RE: StephanieVanbryce #236410

It's unbelievable, no .. terrifying .. that any of those eekheads could be in charge of running any country, let alone the USA .. the nincompoop
nitpicking misrepresentation and fear-mongering really would be inexcusable from any responsible politician .. sheesh, imagine Kerry et
al saying one thing one day and the next day it's like no one had listened to him .. it was McCain re N Korea, i think, i'm thinking of there ..

and please .. someone tell f*head Cruz that Helen Caldicott talked about EMP in Missile Envy .. .. 30 years ago, so for him
to even hint that Moniz didn't know what it meant was like asking Ronaldo what a soccer ball was.

Saletan did an excellent job there. Thanks. Have a good night! :)