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08/03/15 7:18 PM

#30937 RE: Hugodrax #30936

"Catherine Murray: Peter so that we understand the story, how is it that you’re able to do that? Do you have the patents in place….?

Peter Tassiopoulos: Correct."


08/03/15 7:29 PM

#30939 RE: Hugodrax #30936


Your failure to answer this simple question IMHO says a great deal about your personal integrity or lack of it. And anyone hereafter reading your messages should take this obvious bias into account.

Your attempt to even try to justify this absolutely (and provably) false statement is very sad.

And just for your information, that poster for weeks has been claiming that the company does not differentiate between having patents and having patents that are pending. Each time he does I bring up the companies statements that indisputably say that the patents are pending. Despite that he continues to repeat the falsehood.

Now that you have this new information, is that persons statement DESPICABLE?