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08/03/15 11:39 PM

#4662 RE: Stockminder #4661

I can't tell what is really happening with the EC

The problem are that I do not think the debtor's have been giving information like they should plus the EC I think has done thing that they should not be doing.

While SG can't tell what is the problem with communications with the EC, as their client, as long as attorney/client privilege; it dos seems that part of the reason SG withdrew was because the EC was doing something that they should not be doing. SG can't tell anyone what the problem is, but they can withdraw from representation of the EC.

I can understand why the EC is trying so hard, especially since the document mentions that one of the people has his retirement in the common stock.

The real problem is the mines that do not seem to be able to make any money.

There is no mention yet on what the EC wants or how they plan on getting the unsecured to 100% paid off so the common can have part of NewCo.

Louis J. Desy Jr.