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Vulcanized Crawler

08/03/15 3:13 PM

#21241 RE: dshade #21239

we's sell'em dynamo n'EcoFlex n'save the earth

there certainly isnt a shortage of hotair in dc so there must be climate change in the air, i used to call it fall, winter, spring n summer. a world renouned nobel prize winning scientist recently wrote an article on climate change and earth pole wobble, stating the non-science being tossed about was amusing....but, no fear....ECSL can benefit from the delusion of the masses n leaders of nations. last time i saw our holiness the pope get involved so strongly in science...(yes he supports that climate change is real), it was the middle ages and he wanted Galileo excomunicated and burned at a stake for suggesting that the earth was not the center of the universe. pope's know their science.... but, ECSL can make a killing cuz cyber fuels has the goods that can reduce pollution in the air, whether climate change is real or just political.

meanwhile, let's cut a rug and make a killing with the medical side of the house.