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08/02/15 6:15 PM

#59280 RE: rampuntzel #59279


Nice post!

I think ZTE management probably thought stock manipulation is like jay-walking, ie, illegal but seldom enforced...

The feeling I get from reading your post, however, is not outrage.
It's more like the feeling one might expect to feel after pulling the arm on a slot machine and seeing


ZTE has targeted substantial growth in the US market but that's going to become impossible unless they find a way to resolve this trial in SDNY... Can't see Kaplan letting this go on a lot longer ... By ZTE's own admission they have violated the NDA repeatedly. That is a big deal separate and apart from their stock manipulation campaign and attempts to conspire with other Vringo adversaries to weaken Vringo's ability to pursue claims against ZTE.

This could be a legacy-defining case for Judge Kaplan.
He has already participated in bringing organized crime groups in the US to justice in earlier parts of his career...Stopping these abuses and penalizing the abusers should really appeal to him.

Anyway, we used to wonder if ZTE could wiggle its way out somehow... Now I just wonder how much a


is actually worth....