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08/02/15 10:56 AM

#162013 RE: harvard_88 #162012

Yep. Another fraud may soon be coming.

50 contacts, eh? LOL

50 hangups, more like it.


08/02/15 1:55 PM

#162014 RE: harvard_88 #162012

Can only keep

The pps buried for so long...

Re-stocking selves is my opinion...

I come up with 31 million which means with 30 Million A...there should be 1 Million left to spin and F/S into another control group...

Then we can play rock paper scissors...

or NOT enough shares...


08/03/15 10:18 AM

#162017 RE: harvard_88 #162012

Do you have a link to that?

And please, not a link to your own previous posts. PROOF!!!