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08/01/15 12:28 PM

#21513 RE: G-lupo #21512

I am positive, no news positively!! LOL
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08/01/15 6:32 PM

#21514 RE: G-lupo #21512

Oh by the way, my momma told me not to listen to people saying things and especially not to read things that would make me sad! You know you have a choice right! You really do, those rose colored glasses don't make you read anything and there is an ignore button, I for one use it!

This is an investment not a friendship, it's about money!!!

A company signs a letter of intent and then goes silent for two months needs to be talked about!!!

So far it's another annoying joke on us investors!!

Hopefully we will see this amount to something but the juries still out!

Time for real news, we have paid good $$$ for this!!!