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07/31/15 12:30 AM

#86899 RE: 2020 #86898

Wow-your last statement is certainly disturbing at best.
I have believed for a long period of time base on reading I have done that many times Big Pharm has the FDA in is pocket so to speak to snuff out treatments and even startup companies which threaten their obscene profits.
I never thougnt of what you just pointed out as a possibility but it certainly is within the realm of possibility the more I think about it and the more I think about the obsession of money with Big Pharma.
What you said in first paragraph is sadly true, but in all honesty, we longtime longs have mostly ourselves to blame for not putting more emphasis in our investing decision on folks like Lanza selling his free shares at those high manipulated prices and asking ourselves why he did it rather than rationalizing it away with some logic/assumptions on the selling based on his own personal life needs, etc.


07/31/15 1:40 PM

#86923 RE: 2020 #86898

2020 Would you please provide a link. Thxs

There have been 7 or so Doctors of alternative medicine found dead or disappeared over the last 30 days. Could it be that this how the big drug Companies hold on to their monopoly.