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07/31/15 5:52 AM

#181221 RE: HoosierHoagie #181220

Any way you look at it, Donald Trump is good for national politics, good for democracy, good for America, and especially good for candor. If nothing else, The Donald may help Republicans to pull their heads out of that place where the sun seldom shines.

I have no clue whether that pulling thingy is even a remote possibility. The republican party is mired in dogma and status quo. The only way to save fiscal conservatism in this country may be to kill it and begin anew with a party devoted to balanced budgets and voting rights only for citizens. Going along to get along simply has not worked, and in fact, has made things intollerably worse. The problem with the Party hacks who run things is that they do not see Trump as anything other than a threat to them personally and to their power to tell us what we want.


07/31/15 5:58 AM

#181222 RE: HoosierHoagie #181220

What a beautiful & successful family!


07/31/15 6:03 AM

#181223 RE: HoosierHoagie #181220

;-) GM!! ~~~ G'bye July!