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07/30/15 6:25 PM

#8504 RE: Spudskie #8503

Watch the moment to moment trades. You'll often see an aberrant trade happen (usually 100 shares) about 3-7 cents lower than the current pps. It happens all day long, especially during run ups. These show up on the ticker board and give the impression that people are trading at that lower rate. It causes people to set their bids lower. In Level II, a broker can see where limits are clustered and trade there. These manipulators (probably 2-3 at most) are probably brokers themselves because otherwise they would crush themselves on brokerage fees and they are experienced in shorting stocks. Imagine a person buying 10K shares at daily low and every time the pps moves upward, they can sell 100 shares at the lower rate. This works great on down days or when investor confidence is waning. People sell, and they can buy even more. It can still work on up days simply by muting progress in the stocks price. The evidence is in the moment to moment trades.