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07/29/15 11:43 PM

#52628 RE: FinalFrontier #52626

I'll address that.

Japan Needs Hero's was launched in kickstarter March, 2011. It is now July 2015. If it were not for people raising hell Benny Powell would have pocketed that money never to be heard of again. Benny decided to enter the public eye and that kickstarter cash grab bit him in the ass. It turned into a public relations disaster for him and his credibility. His hand was forced or he'd have to admit he stole that charity money for himself. Scum bag move. Thank God for the whistle blowers who held him accountable for the 17K he tried to pocket and JNH is here. 4.5 years later. I wonder if any of that $ will ever make it to Japan and the decimated victims of that tragedy.

My suggestion is to not pick fights Benny has lost years ago.
It would be akin to that guy who killed that Cecil the lion bragging about a donation he made to the local zoo.


07/30/15 8:42 AM

#52631 RE: FinalFrontier #52626

Are you fkm. This is the best you got. Those books were due July 2011. On top of that, the product is well below average. And you think this is a positive.
Before you question me, you should remember that EVERYTHING I said was going to happen to this stock has happened, and everything I said about this stocks future will happen. And I promise you, you will be a 6 billion by the end of the year.

Here, read this.

And if I was to continue this story, GSL does not happen in November either.