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Burn Notice88

07/30/15 1:48 PM

#86200 RE: muff1 #86181

Is it the people, or the process or the peso?

My personal opinion on moving forward with Evergreen is, the people and processes are all in place. It's the peso that we await. Perhaps Angel jumped the gun a little prematurely, thinking that upon 'Tommy Chong's announcement with Evergreen, venture capitalist would come running, similar to the way Founders Fund, the investment firm created by Peter Thiel, that provided a $75 million capital infusion to Privateer Holdings, whose subsidiary, Marley Natural, sells cannabis strains, came running to them. "Marley and his branded products have sold over $20 million USD worth of goods in 2014 alone."

Angel's sitting on a pot of gold, if he could just get the initial funding to light things on fire. All IMHO...


Burn Notice88

08/06/15 8:00 PM

#86327 RE: muff1 #86181

FYI, Angel continues to work all funding angles.

Let's see what he dials up.