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07/29/15 5:02 PM

#116114 RE: mistaice #116112

No business = no news


07/29/15 5:25 PM

#116115 RE: mistaice #116112

To believe there will be a news alert, you have to first believe RCCH is a active company that is making money! There is no proof of that, the only thing there is proof of is a poster or 2 trying to put things together through how they analyze that DD. It's embarrassing , no, unrealistic to think a company can go years and years with no contact information, now not even a website, no PR' s for years, why would anyone actually believe a stock that is on the grays, .00001, and locked actually have any news to release. Please tell me the last stock that was in this same position, how do you think it ended? This ,so called company, is a sad joke for all shareholders. It is irresponsible for anyone to talk about making big money in this shi$ . This isn't fantasy land, this is garbage and newtons past says volumes. Maybe he can take his public defender he used and take him golfing at his country club!! Oh, that's right, he didn't pay his country club bill, but we will all get rich!!! LOL