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07/28/15 12:27 AM

#17 RE: gfp927z #16

Interesting thoughts again.

I'm right there as well.... I have seen that presentation by La Garde...I think JIm Willie mentioned the 7 thing she was referring to is probably about the IMF adding the Yuan, gold and the the basket to make for 7 currencies in the mix.

otherwise there might not be more to it than that. Yes, they do follow Occult /Illuminati symbols...How about that video "I pet goat 2"....pretty creepy video huh. Theres alot of interesting commentary on Youtube about that video.

Petro dollar is already dead now, per Willie, its just the formality of the end game remaining.

To think that the Western Cabal,the Powers in control of the Elite banking think that they had this plan to purposely destroy the system, so as to rise up from the ashes and restart the new world order....that They have planned, but its turning out to be a new world order , just not configured quite in the same order as they would like...maybe the new order will be lead by Russia/China/Brics, and the rest of the world and the rest of the world choosing the BRICS and the east asia alliance, etc....and the little caboose at the end will be the usa and its allies.
Hard to know what life in america could be like in a few years.

There has to be something positive that can develop in the usa.

but it sure isnt easily visible when you look around.

The usa could lead the world in agriculture,to help feed the world....but instead we have Monanto frankenfood,GMO poison,terminator seeds, glyphosate everywhere,and now laws have been passed that food labeling Doesnt have to disclose GMO ingredients.
Will this make foreign nations eager to import usa food? I doubt it. anyway... strange times we live in.

I dont think the BRICS alliance wants to rush too far ahead too fast ,in any way that antagonizes the usa....they want to try to have some more comfortable transition. slower,more gradual, less disruptive. maybe all this reset thing will take another 2 years.
I used to think that it was the western banking cabal,the Cartel, that was doing all the suppression of gold and silver, but about a year ago or so, it seemed like maybe it could be China who is suppressing down they can buy it all cheaper, and when the right time comes, and they have all the gold they can get...then they will say ok, times up. and the game will reset when China is ready to make the call. and China is in the driver seat now.