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07/27/15 8:51 PM

#193807 RE: DewDiligence #193800


A [Cleveland Clinic] study…involving about 1,600 patients with initial complaints of statin intolerance found that just over 70% could actually take the medicines, while about 30% were truly statin-intolerant.

Would seem to be a negative for at least ESPR if we can take this at face value as that is their primary focus on initial patient population. I think the bigger potential appeal on ESPR is if a big pharma is interested in acquiring their soon Phase 3 ready drug with novel MoA to pair with an existing drug to go after a much broader patient population than statin intolerant. May make sense to wait and see the official guidance from FDA on Phase 3 trial design coming up later this quarter though.


07/28/15 3:25 AM

#193815 RE: DewDiligence #193800

Problem with statin intolerance is that as long as transaminases are OK in a blood analysis, seems to be fine and eligible to tolerate statins. That is not true as long term secondary effects in muscles, etc end showing up after years of taking statins.


07/28/15 6:53 PM

#193868 RE: DewDiligence #193800

Statin intolerance or not.

I was taking Lipitor 5 mg daily for almost 4.5 years. Prior to this, I tried two other statins for a short time.

Based upon my personal experience, statins are good only for Big Pharma.

I have two cardiologists. They are both full professors at Harvard School of Medicine. Each has more that 350 publications. I think that neither of them are great but they are best I could find. One year ago, my CK blood test went over 1,200. I was hospitalized at BWH and was released with a Lipitor intolerance diagnosis. I was not taken any statin for more than a years, although, both my cardiologists insist that I must take Crestor 2.5 mg twice a week. I don't think so.

They told me that new cholesterol drugs would be very expensive. My reply was: It is not your business!