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07/27/15 7:13 PM

#227727 RE: Couch #227725

The 25/8 PPHM FUD campaign tells me all I need to know. I've got an easy 10 bagger from here.

My money is on Garnick and MSK knowing what they are doing.

And 38 JOB listings....

I am 100% certain that any pending deal(s) to be announced are flowing smoothly after seeing Memorial Sloan Kettering jump on board...

Collaborations such as the one between Peregrine Pharmaceuticals and Memorial Sloan Kettering simply do not happen unless that small biotech is partnered up and the BP partner uses their leverage to finalize big deals such as the one with MSK... unless...

... that small biotech has something that no other small biotech has ever had before its time...

My bet is on Peregrine having something (PS Targeting) that is bigger than big and this is exactly what allows(ed) Peregrine to say F U to 99.9% of any prior BP offers and survive sabotage attempt(S)