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07/27/15 6:03 PM

#2394 RE: Rainbow7 #2391

I looked at a Zimmer hip replacement ( titanium) a few days ago. Except for the ball (which presumably could be polished to be smoother the roughed area for bone to grow into) was really inadequate. To me it looked mostly cosmetic more stippling than porosity .EBM would be vastly better, more porous. They told me it takes a long time for bone to grow, not surprising considering the way the Zimmer is made.
Also the surgeons have to have a variety of sizes on hand because none may fit just right. If it doesn't some chiseling and bone sculpting is necessary. That is very tedious, possibly a reason why surgery takes 3 hours. (or so I am told) Having EBM parts printed out to exact X ray size would give them more choice because now they have to make do with standard parts,.

Orthopedic guys are slow to change brands, studies are expensive in an already crowded market for ortho equipment. The FDA is also an impediment to anything new.

Thanks for the non aerospace links.

This time I think the market is wrong, a feeling that can be hazardous to your wealth.
But I will stick for at least 5 years . I have more confidence in Arcam as a company than any other , Tesla is the only one that comes close. But stock prices often diverge widely from company prospects. Arcam is considered just another 3DP. So AMAVF will not go up until that idea changes.