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07/27/15 11:57 AM

#15225 RE: sharky #15223

Life sciences division of Google X

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The life sciences division of Google X is a research organization studying life sciences. The organization is a division of Google X, which is a semi-secret facility run by Google dedicated to making major technological advancements. The founders of Google have said that the company will not be a health research organization (like Calico).[1]


As of July 2014, members of the research team include Andrew Conrad, founder of LabCorp's National Genetics Institute; Vik Bajaj, an expert in nuclear magnetic resonance; Marija Pavlovic, who studies the effect of radiation on DNA; Alberto Vitari, a cancer biologist; Brian Otis, who worked on the contact lens project;[2] and Mark DePristo, who worked on the GATK at the Broad Institute.[3]


On 9 September 2014, the division acquired Lift Labs, the makers of Liftware.[4]


Google Contact Lens is a smart contact lens project announced by Google on 16 January 2014. The project aims to assist people with diabetes by constantly measuring the glucose levels in their tears.

The Liftware Spoon is a spoon for people with tremors.

The Baseline Study is a project to collect genetic and molecular information from enough people to create a picture of what a healthy human should be.[5][6]

On 28 October 2014, the life sciences division of Google X announced the development of a disease-detecting nanoparticle platform.[7] On 29 January 2015, the division showcased synthetic skin that was created to test this platform.[8] Google has patented the technology.[

A health-tracking wristband

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07/27/15 12:38 PM

#15243 RE: sharky #15223

IF Google was to offer to BO.....the price explosion would rock the world. Anything Google does has that effect and price would Boom!