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07/27/15 12:50 PM

#19953 RE: seven-up #19950

seven-up....I believe its a great opportunity here, especially at these prices. Not only are they on the pre-paid phone but would plan to move into pre-paid data as well(currently applying in other states besides Texas, may be complete). Remember they are a holdings company so they have the opportunity to expand their products into many industries.

Company has REAL revenues, clients, and is current on their quarterly reports. In the works on hiring an IR firm, and going thru secondary offering of shares. Already have a buyer in place, with more to come.

I have spoke to the owner probably 10 times and I am super excited from what I have heard. Please read all my past emails. Soon as they issue their first line of PR's its definitely a lotto p[lay with huge upside. Been accumulating since last year.


let me know if you have any specific questions....or give Norman our CEO a call!


07/28/15 10:38 AM

#19966 RE: seven-up #19950

**Spoke to CEO Norman George**

I just had a nice long conversation with Norman George our CEO of SWHI. Here is what I found out.

Reg A offering has been approved in all but 1 state (12-13 states). Should be approved in the next few days. Once this last state is approved he plans on issuing an announcement that will go through OTC ( - keep an eye out for it. In addition, the next quarterly report will also be available at in the next few days. Don't quote me, but he kinda hinted that their may be an increase in customers.

Has an investor in Reg A shares, with more possible investors (friends and supporters) in other states like North Carolina, California, Wisconsin just to name a few. This investor in SWHI Reg A shares, along with others, will promote the stock and get the word out. He mentioned again that look for a significant increase in volume in the next 2-3 weeks...timing depends on closing of last state and number of investors. As I stated in my last update, the guys behind the curtains (investors) will be pulling the strings. These investors are the ones that can post the PR's we are looking for. This process is taking longer than expected because the Reg A is a fairly new filing that some states are inexperienced with and take much longer to process. Hang tight we should see price movement soon!

Current monthly revenues are between $4,000 - $5,000. As we know the offering will bring in cash to expand its sales force and technology to reach customers in all states that utilize AT&T & Verizon. He stated that once the company receives additional capital that the customer base would, as he stated "explode".

Short term items to look for:
1. Announcement of approval of Reg A offering in 13-14 states ( and other info (wouldn't say, could be great?).
2. Quarterly Report (within next week or so)
3. Possible results of beta testing in other Texas markets
4. PR campaign for Reg A investors!!!

Once again, he is following all the rules and will update as soon as he possibly can. He apologizes for the delays on certain items, but when dealing with SEC and government entities things just take a long time!!! I am still super happy that I remain fully vested in SWHI. The stock has been pushed to the floor, however, we all know that in penny land this is the best time tobuy....Great potential here - OUR DAY IS COMING!!!!