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07/26/15 10:33 PM

#217769 RE: B RY #217767

That mentioned VX Gateway, Cuallix and Cardinal Commerce... What about the 20 others?

Let me know what you think about my other sticky...


07/26/15 11:22 PM

#217771 RE: B RY #217767

Now, on understanding the latest MYEC positioning.CBN(Central Bank of Nigeria) in 2009 made it a hardship for mobile payment operators to operate in Nigeria without a bank relationship. Thank you wfarrence for the article today as I didn't know this previously. This means MyEcheck, with the new international banking relationship is now in the good company of a small amount of competition, each getting a nice revenue stream. Being that their are 18 countries in Africa that the MYEC rollout will involve, MYEC'S integration in an international bank will prove extremely valuable. Until this materializes, it is only Ed's heresay. I am a believer in logical and rational thinking. I believe #1) Ed has one hell of a plate full of hurdles he has been climbing over for 5 years now, so if he isn't taking the time to answer questions that are complicated and have unresolved issues such as the exact share structure amidst a lawsuit pending against companies(Scottsdale Capital) who allegedly forged documentation to the transfer agent, then I'll understand Ed's picture. #2) Some of the companies MYEC has signed past contracts with are either waiting on bank integrations or are no longer viable. That makes it a grey area to list them as a MYEC customer with no revenues being transacted. So if the list of pr'd customers don't match up with the list on the form 10, it is obviously due to questionable future business relationship as having no incoming revenues currently to MYEC to list. The bottom line to me is I now understand the Africa rollout was hindered and decided upon an international banking relationship/integration for MYEC to be able to operate according to the Nigerian government. MyEcheck's app is a very viable contender among that mobile marketplace competition. MYEC'S potential is shifting from investors dream land/speculation of two years ago to hard documented facts of what mobile operators are achieving presently. Cold hard facts are that Ed has positioned MYEC to consistently grow in a rapidly expanding marketplace. It's all about final execution at this juncture. :^)