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07/26/15 3:30 PM

#24708 RE: CaptWhizbang #24695

similar event years ago when shorter shares were at a high, then, of circa 52 Million

Not that long ago we were at similar levels:

Settle Dte Short Int. % Chg. AvgDlyVol Day2Cvr
06/13/2014 54,924,442 5.77 4,584,194 11.98
05/30/2014 51,928,544 (0.51) 4,435,270 11.71
05/15/2014 52,192,669 9.12 12,507,927 4.17

We're down 61.14% from the 6/13 reading.

Last time we had 52MM prior was 06/15/2012 52,431,170. We dropped into the high 30MM range in December '12 and then continued lower to high 32MM at end of March and start of April. Then the climb back up began again.
