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07/25/15 6:06 AM

#24359 RE: DukeSilver #24356

He got run off because he talked about it every day all day long. HC is a passionate guy and I respect him for it. He just sounded like a broken record and people got tired of it.

You shouldnt be in a stock like this if you are sweating it out. You and others got wrapped up in the "Titan is the next ISRG" frenzy. Titan has potential. But Titan also has risk. Due diligence means you take every scenario into account before you bet the farm. Im in deep too. Am I frustrated? A little bit because management is not as concerned about the retail investor as I wish they would be. On the other side of the coin, their technical knowledge regarding the development and utilization of a surgical robot is damn impressive.

Ill say it for the hundredth time. Up until now nothing has changed.

SPORT isnt worth a dime until that first unit is sold. As far as I know there isnt even have ONE prototype completely built-out yet. To assume Titan is worth significantly more at this stage is just naive.


07/25/15 8:52 AM

#24362 RE: DukeSilver #24356

The only reason to panic is if u r a day trader or market manipulator. If ur long, which I am, no need for panic. The industry numbers point to huge oppty but I have to stick to my timeline - end of 2016.

Also, anyone who is long KNEW this summer would behave just like this, with nothing tangible til Q4 what else could u expect.

Been adding the last month and have gotten my cost basis down by .15 cents a share


07/25/15 8:55 AM

#24363 RE: DukeSilver #24356

In absolute agreement with you, Duke. Didn't Titan estimate they had enough money to get to completion? Turns out most members on this board didn't buy that. Some by crunching the numbers (HC) and others, like me, by commonsense that you don't plan on finishing the race dead broke in tech start-ups. Seems like Titan are the ones that got it wrong. Or lied to their shareholders.

Pure pump and dump posts are a waste of time, but easy to see right through. One of the best unintended by-products of boards like this is to see all the personalities, the attitudes, and the opinions. You read them all; you weigh them all through a lens of your experience and world view. My opinion is still that Titan comes off as only being a loosely-knit management team, with an incompetent CEO, no hard technologists, and an arrogant in-your-face secrecy.
They are sitting on a goldmine and we all know it, but are easily capable of letting it fizzle away. They appear to be running a country store up in Canada. By now, they should renting office space and apartments across the street from Ximedica.