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07/25/15 1:47 AM

#95011 RE: jazz710 #95010

We're barely even trading. Nobody knows or cares about this company because there's too much in the dark. This is what languishing looks like, not growth.

One day that will change. I just think it could be further off than some are willing to admit. It could absolutely come earlier, but with every day that passes without real news, more must be happening behind the scenes that is being done in the shadows.

Kim should have convinced Fraser to go private if this is how we wanted to run it. Right now, we're an obscurity while goats STILL GET GLOBALLY POPULAR PRESS BI-MONTHLY.
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07/25/15 9:15 AM

#95018 RE: jazz710 #95010

lets read your post on 31/12/2015
might be erelevent if a first deal will break the kblb last year.
If i read it curreat they-kblb are targeting such a deal by end of this year or sooner than that imo...sounds to my that this is a small cost to bear after so much year of wait...
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07/25/15 12:06 PM

#95032 RE: jazz710 #95010

We're barely off the ground, as far as they're willing to communicate.

While it is a good qualifier, they did communicate vaguely that things should change fairly quickly.

In the 2nd paragraph of the Newsletter, he communicated.....

"I’m pleased to report that Kraig labs has had a great quarter making significant and measureable progress in our genetic research, end market development, and establishing partnerships."

Now customers are end market developments. By customers, I mean the last people to buy products. If Warwick makes gloves, then developments towards getting gloves on customer hands, is the end game/market. But developments? What is significant and measurable progress? Once we are no longer going on trust of Kim and we can actually quantify or measure what "significant and measurable progress" means.....things will be looking up. In the meantime, the NDA's haven't expired. Which means it isn't a question of being willing to communicate. So we definitely want to hear much more on end market developments.