There is a huge difference. I know you get it Bonno, I don't know why I am replying to your message. Some guy said they were about the same. It is not the same, smoking on a joint is not like speeding a car down the highway.
Speeding is illegal, you can't just keep doing it and get away with it, eventually they take away the car. No one 'decriminalized' speeding, but you don't go in front of a judge your first time. So how does that work with cannabis, if they give you a ticket they take your buds too, and then I go home and get more, they take that too, do I run up a bunch of bills, what if I don't pay the bill, who decides what a 'small amount' is, how do you get a small amount if it is illegal? If it is all illegal, but you 'decriminalize' the end user, how is that different than now - it is still illegal and Thomas Mulclair will still try to fight the drug wars - F$%^ING STUPID
It is all BULLSH!T!!!! What I am doing is right, if I got caught right now for smoking a joint on the street I don't go to jail now anyways, but if Thomas Mulclair is PM they will give me a ticket? Guess how many of those tickets are going to be paid in BC?
wait to they bring out the cannabis Breathalyzer, how many fatal accidents are pot heads involved in each year, how many bongs do th epolice clean up the highways? Truth is comparing the high of cannabis with the intoxication of alcohol is ridiculous. How they going to set a limit? Lawyers will have a field day with those, there will never be a Blood THC content reading to determine if someone is intoxicated, they can't stop stoners from driving, no way - hell, I never even bring my wallet with me, never see cops in Canada, I love canada - there are ten cops in the states for every one here I swear, but my home town kinda sucked so I don't know
Prohibition of Cannabis in Canada is OVER! Justin Trudeau is the only LEADER with the balls and the brains and the youth to see that! His eyes haven't been poisoned by stigma and comprimises - he knows we need to have laws that the CITIZENS of this country can obey and respect while remaining healthy and self-sufficient when need be!