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06/30/03 11:13 PM

#7790 RE: chipguy #7789

Why not think in possible realities. You release at 1.3-1.5. the 1.5 bins poorly and possibly all the cache has issues (typical stuff). You can release lower grade chips with less memory (the whole defect issue) and still sell the product. Think in terms of a company maximizing profits for what is actually produced....not the marketing hype. I bet using ELMER's die calc there are about 30 die/wafer for madison...divide that by $2000 for wafer cost and it's a good deal for Intel. Can they afford to do this...heck yeah! Sell what you can make! AMD seems to sell what they can market and fall short....reality sucks in the model. I think Madison is on the move and is demand constaint from my view...I base this off internet readings, not inside info.

On a side note I noticed it only took the AMD hopfull 1 day to recover from shock and awe to get back to "look how Intel's screwing up".....focus on AMD and what they deliver in stock appreication!