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07/23/15 10:15 PM

#235941 RE: fuagf #235940

Turkey even briefly went into Syria and slapped around some daesh characters for the first time.. ;) ....

I mean things are really really changing over there.. Also the Iranian proxy fighters in Yemen are taking a real
beating ... seems Saudi can take credit for it .. 'whatever' ... .. how to break down that stuff over there is impossible! ....


07/26/15 10:48 PM

#236045 RE: fuagf #235940

NATO to Meet After Turkey Request to Discuss Rising Violence

by Alan BjergaTaylan Bilgic
July 27, 2015 — 5:10 AM AEST

A woman holds a poster of victim Ece Dinc during her funeral on July 22, 2015 in Istanbul. Photographer: Ozan Kose/AFP/Getty Images

The North Atlantic Council, which includes ambassadors from all NATO nations, will meet July 28 after Turkey requested a meeting to discuss its crackdown on militant groups and jihadists, the military alliance said.

The meeting will be held under Article 4 of the NATO treaty, which says any member can request talks whenever its territorial integrity, political independence or security is threatened, according to a statement on the organization’s website Sunday.

“Turkey requested the meeting in view of the seriousness of the situation after the heinous terrorist attacks in recent days, and also to inform allies of the measures it is taking,” NATO said.

Separately, the state-run Anadolu Agency said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone on Sunday about issues including Syria. The call was initiated by Erdogan, the agency said.

Recent violent clashes with Islamic State militants have sent investors fleeing from Turkey’s financial markets .. . The benchmark Borsa Istanbul 100 Index slid on July 23 by the most since June 8, and fell 4.9 percent last week. Turkey’s lira is down 9.8 percent year to date, the worst performer among “Developing Europe” economies.

Two soldiers were killed and four wounded in a car bomb in southeast Turkey, while in the west, an unidentified group attacked public buses and a bomb exploded in front of the provincial office of the ruling AK Party, Anadolu said on Sunday.

Suicide Bomber

The incidents are the latest in a cycle of violence that began when a suicide bomb killed at least 32 people, mostly young pro-Kurdish activists, near the Syrian border on July 20. Authorities have said Islamic State was probably behind it.

Turkey responded by bombing the group’s positions in Syria, as well as launching air strikes against Kurdish PKK rebels in northern Iraq. A fourth air operation in northern Iraq, targeting the PKK, was conducted on Sunday, the Hurriyet newspaper reported on its website.

The Turkish military has canceled all holidays for officers in “crucial regions,” while those already on leave were called back, Hurriyet reported, without citing a source. The order applies to Turkey’s second and third military divisions as well as “anti-terror units in western provinces,” the newspaper said.

Security forces have detained at least 590 people across Turkey on grounds that they were members of terrorist organizations, including the PKK and Islamic State, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters in Ankara on Saturday. Military and police operations would continue, he said.

Government actions amount to an “end to the de facto cease-fire .. ” between the state and the PKK, the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party said in a statement on Saturday.