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07/21/15 6:55 PM

#35285 RE: MONEYMADE #35275


I received a very inter­est­ing email. So I thought I should address this publicly.

We are mak­ing strides in our com­pany. We are work­ing very hard behind the scenes to cre­ate a com­pany that will be both prof­itable and have integrity. With that being said, As your CEO let me say this:

1) I believe that the com­pany has given proper guid­ance in let­ting the mar­ket know that we are not plan­ning to do a reverse split of our stock. And that the cur­rent struc­ture of the com­pany is inline with the future direc­tion of the company.
2) We have cre­ated a new web­site to give you a glimpse of the direc­tion of the com­pany and to have a place where investors can fined infor­ma­tion about the com­pany. Per­son­ally I really like the web­site. http://?URBT?net?work?.com
3) We have filed Form D with the SEC giv­ing us the per­mis­sion to raise 5 mil­lion dol­lars and I am con­fi­dent that will be suc­cess­ful in our cap­i­tal raise efforts. I am now work­ing to secur­ing our equity fund­ing. After our fund­ing we will be able to effec­tively deal with the past issues of the com­pany and launch the tele­vi­sion net­work by Q1 2016.
4) We have filed an 8K stat­ing the com­pa­nies position.
5) Am I con­cerned about the vio­lent swings in our stock price? Right now I am not focused on the cur­rent stock price. I believe that the suc­cess of our com­pany will be reflected in the mar­ket­place. There absolutely noth­ing that I can do about the stock price.
6) Why do I feel that we can be suc­cess­ful as a com­pany? I have been in broad­cast­ing for more than 30 years. I have suc­cess­fully built a tele­vi­sion net­work to 60 mil­lion homes and I see no rea­son why we can’t do it again and even big­ger with the right team and the right backing.
7) Why would an investor buy shares at .20 per share when they are cur­rently trad­ing under a penny? This answer is sim­ple, Our com­pany is very under val­ued. And todays’ stock price does not reflect the value of the cur­rent busi­ness model that we are exe­cut­ing. We should eas­ily be over $3.00 per share right now, how­ever, It is my opin­ion that investors will see the value of this com­pany as we make strate­gic moves over the next few months.
8) What is my posi­tion in all of this. Since I have been the CEO of URBT I have been very clear, this com­pany needs long term investors! Investors that will give the com­pany an oppor­tu­nity to grow. Not just stock flip­pers. And that’s why we are going to raise this 5 mil­lion dol­lars and cre­ate an investor base that inter­ested in grow­ing a business.
9) As a stock­holder what would you advise me to do? I can­not advise you what to do. What I can tell is that my goal is to turn this com­pany into a multi-?billion com­pany. You can judge for yourself.
Your CEO
Joseph Collins