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Matthew Berg

07/21/15 1:41 PM

#109527 RE: snoof77 #109525

Hmmm. Like she did with India in 2009? Like she did with Brazil, Mexico and the Dominican in 2014? Don't hold your breath on that one. MRIB is a scam and Margrit is a con man. Always has been, always will be. Wine Plant of Eraskh, Zodiac Brands, Eco Investments, NovaNet, National Capital, etc., are all scams to channel investor funds out of MRIB through stock transactions and fictional vendors. Mirror image of 2009. And we all remember what happened back then. MRIB went silent for four years.
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07/21/15 1:46 PM

#109528 RE: snoof77 #109525

MRIB is not under distribution of shares at this time, and hasn't been since early February.

I didn't state the contrary. I merely pointed out that prior dilution - and lack of execution - tanked the PPS and destroyed shareholder value.

Accumulation started late February, and despite one setback period, following year end financials, accumulation has begun again. Convertibles matured late June and were not dumped into the market as previous convertibles had been. That is a clear sign that the game plan of debt holders has changed. IMO, they are indeed insiders and know the pulse of the company. IF they knew Marani was turning off the lights, they would be dumping their shares daily to recoup their investment. It is not happening. That is a good sign.

It doesn't matter who is accumulating shares of MRIB. With the current state of the company, one can only assume it's someone who knows that something positive is about to happen that makes securing shares at the current pps a good investment.

Difficult to know where to start - there is so much either incorrect within those paragraphs, self-contradictory, or at best pure speculation. On the one hand, 'it doesn't matter who is accumulating' - this, right after we are told it's a good sign that indeed insiders who know the pulse of the company are gathering shares. So which is it? Regardless - the entire context remains as I stated originally - MRIB investors were burned - and badly - by Margrit's misleading PRs and failure to execute. That, and dilution, created bagholders. What's coming 'down the stream' isn't likely to help that group in any way, even pushing the PPS over the once cent mark, at least for some.

Past performance matters, in that it is quite often a predictor of future events. We have seen this exercise twice now with Margrit - two complete failures after multiple PRs. Ready for a third? If Margrit starts another rash of PR BS, then sure - you're correct - folks may be induced to buy into this (foolish as that may be) - but the only 'win' will be a short term buy and sell, because all those 'accumulators' will dump this turd as soon as they see the PPS top out, leaving those who play this 'long' to lose yet again while Margrit laughs all the way to the bank.

If you and others want to play this as a short term win under certain conditions, that's dandy. My concern is that, frankly, folks are mixing this with a positive 'long term' prospective for MRIB, which simply won't come to fruition with Margrit at the helm - she has proven herself unable to run or manage a successful business.

Bottom line - don't buy thinking Margrit will turn the company around and make 'longs' a fortune. However, go right ahead and allow that Margrit will release another round of BS misinformation, causing the PPS to climb, encouraging some poor suckers to buy in, allowing the 'accumulators' to sell at nice, tidy profits (due to the low cost basis they have managed), and leave the rest - again - holding virtually worthless shares.
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DJ Ponder

07/21/15 2:24 PM

#109529 RE: snoof77 #109525

ROFLMAO, Oh that's just great. Yeah lets see, golly gee I just got totally freakin HOSED by this lying sleazeball run pile of crap marani. What should I do? Tell others to exercise caution because marani is not as it may seem? Or say well heck lets just go for round two cause hey this pig is like a blue chip stock, making money is pert near guaranteed,time to roll the dice again on this piece of garbage, thinking this time its going to be different. LMAO

What has happened in the past is water under the bridge. What is coming down the stream is what matters.


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07/21/15 3:25 PM

#109530 RE: snoof77 #109525

What has happened in the past, TWICE, is all that matters!! LOLOLOLOLOL