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Bird of Prey

05/28/01 3:11 PM

#3616 RE: Seahag #3615


Unless you are on a cable modem or DSL line I wouldn't worry too much about the IP thing. If you really want to be secretive sign up for a free account somewhere, provide false contact information, then login here at IHUB, proceed to delete unwanted graphic, log off IHUB, log off free account, cancel free account, return to your normal modus operandi.

Hacking is like stealing cars, if the bad guys wants it he's got it. If he is good enough.

David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey


05/28/01 4:59 PM

#3634 RE: Seahag #3615

SH, there is a SAFE way to approach...

Embedded Links without disclosing your ISP or any other information... Type:

...then type URL in the window, Log in and go directly to your messages...

You can then tackle the embedded Link without any fear, as Safeweb has substituted a URL different to yours... You can use it to click any Link of which you're suspicious, particularly, those offered by the Bashers and Shorters...

JMHO, F. Goelo + + +