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07/20/15 12:03 PM

#2142 RE: Aqua-FX #2141

I found that interesting as well. Why not mention Argo in that PR, could only be a good thing?

Nice to get an update on other aspects of the company that we haven't heard about in a long time. Looking forward to more updates in the future by both Argo and Mexus.


07/20/15 2:01 PM

#2145 RE: Aqua-FX #2141

AR alone has not yet announced it but we know they will discuss it Aug 15 as a possible near term project . I started buys today @ $1.14. I'm sure PT got then to allow it used in the 10K and await legalities purely for our sakes. AND hush the blabbering Louts on RB as a favor perhaps to me. Egocentric psychopath as I remain. My initial '11 visit was to see the Hermosillio based Ures claims with a side trip to newly owned Rancho on way back to Tucson. He's now increased some to said 8K H and maintains them all as good areas for developing WITH funds. Total buy out from Elias was $50K in '14 undeveloped as I recall. Even a half finished concrete block office building above the compound on town N outskirts. One problem will NOT be adequate water! 1st 4X4 use is fording streams along the trail way out of Ures settlement. Central Sonora is river beds to Cortez Sea. Placer is now a small card to play to best use and IF shaft/veins unused in heap plans will be played with the ACE as a buy out to B family I'd guess. Far as I've read thus far but placer or no we've got our pure gold nuggets and Julio 2 hanging wall free gold chunk he sent along to Dorly to remember both well. Along with the down hole rattler and Killer Bees. Can believe the lift bucket will move E with us. 8


07/20/15 8:24 PM

#2157 RE: Aqua-FX #2141

Near as official reason as you'll ever get. And I'M with them. I want good god fearing honesty from MY managing operator making my last BIG fortune off a 2 cent share shot up to .03 on name mentioned. Not just you but seeming real dumbo stuff posting all over again? Feb 2 redux. 8

"Have to get Argonaut permission every time we use the name. They are very cautious when it comes to their brand"