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07/20/15 10:52 AM

#69604 RE: FloridaFH #69603

I hate to trouble your argument with the truth, but even a cursory examination of OTC Markets will show hundreds of Grey Market stocks, many more with stop signs, and a plethora that are no longer listed in any way. Thousands. It takes hard work and cash to keep these puppies alive.

There really are few people who post on these boards who know what they are talking about. Do you know how easy it is for a pinkie CEO to get a hundred grand (or two) with toxic financing? Piece of cake. These guys cold call you all the time, yet all the demons you claim to perceive in Reeltime never went down that path. Do you know how easy a R/S is to pull off? Only insiders make out with anything in deals like than, yet none of these same demons did that either.

All management gets from boards like this is grief and invective, but you all defend yourselves by posting the mantra: "PPS! PPS! PPS!" while never giving any credit to the folks who labor to keep the company alive in the first place. No wonder the CEOs rarely read these boards. When I talk to them, from this and other companies, very few are aware of any of it. The few who do, like JD and MF, get consumed by it, take it personally. They never realize, like I did, that children make noise when they don't get what they want, and never give praise where it is due.