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#235735 RE: bulldzr #235727

Dumb Fucks of the World, Unite!

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by Jaime O'Neill
April 17, 2015 - 9:45am

I used to think that the Tea Party morons were probably the dumbest sons of bitches America has yet produced. That’s a rather crowded field, actually, when you take in our whole history, the various ways we’ve always produced so many gullible mouth breathers who could be taken in by the panoply of hucksters, shysters, hustlers, and grifters we’ve also produced, from P.T. Barnum (‘there’s a sucker born every minute”) to Aimee Semple MacPherson (she gave us the phrase, “that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it”). There was that Ponzi guy in the '20s, and Bernie Madoff much more recently. Las Vegas and the two Disney theme parks are among our most vaunted travel destinations, temples of seduction designed to separate rubes from their money, and there is ample evidence that our whole system runs on exploitation of human gullibility and dim-wittedness.

We’ve been hornswoggled by the best of them, con men and women who are always trying to make Abe Lincoln a liar when he said you couldn’t fool all of the people all of the time. Fox “News” proves that though that may be true, you can sure as hell fool a lot of people, and for a very long time. Lots of the time, in fact, you can fool or fuck over enough compliant people for long enough to get your way, and leave lots of damage in your wake. That explains how it is that the Republican Party is still viable in a nation where they represent the interests of very few, but they get very many to elect them to offices where they can do ongoing harm. Tax-exempt fundamentalist churches help Republicans as they fleece the dumb fucks, of course, but then we, as a nation, are dumb enough to let the churches hide behind those tax exemptions while they engage in furthering a well-defined political agenda.

One reason they manage that neat trick is because there are also so many dumb fucks on the left who always want to shoot holes in our own boat, bitching and moaning and holding our breath until we turn blue, finding fault with damn near anyone who might actually keep our craft afloat. To mix my metaphors, too many of our own players keep us from advancing the ball a few yards because, unless every play results in a touchdown, they'd rather just spike the ball. Those with the pristine morality of saints would rather we got pushed back on damn near every play than actually score a first down or two if those gains might come at the cost of sacrificing the smallest of principles. Since these nihilistic progressive dumb fucks can’t have their way entirely, they’d prefer everything just get worse and worse until someday, in the far distant future, there will be some kind of revolution that will, at long last, bring into being the utopian world they envision. Dream on, dumb fucks.

As long as I’ve been active in left wing politics, and even before a guy as old as I am first showed up at rallies and meeting a half century ago, there has been a segment of the left that loves to piss in our own punch bowl, to hold itself aloof from the hardscrabble of politics, a messy business that forces “good" people to deal with a whole lot of assholes in order to forge small victories. Sometimes that requires that we lend support to people who haven’t always taken positions we like. Some of us are just too damned good for our own good and just won’t allow ourselves to lend assent to anything that might dirty our skirts. Some would rather see the Supreme Court packed with scoundrels, and see the ascendancy of right wingers because, in their view, there’s just not enough difference between the parties to make a difference. And that’s really fucking dumb.

The Tea Party laid down a marker on mass stupidity, of course, and their record of idiocies sets the bar for competition pretty high. The pictures of their tribe as they gathered to express their anger weren’t likely to attract recruiters from Mensa to hit them up for new members. The Tea Party was the outfit that gave us hand lettered slogans in which their creators misspelled the word “morons” as “morans,” and expressed outrage against people who came here and refused to learn “Englush.” They chose as their heroes and champions some of the most appallingly stupid people that could be found, from Sarah Palin to Michelle Bachmann, from Steve King of Iowa to Louie Gohmert of Texas. It was a Dipshit Derby every time more than two of them got together to exchange stuff they’d heard from Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity, to name two members of the stupidity sales staff that managed to move so much product, day in and day out, to the dim-witted consumers of their claptrap.

Because those slack-jawed people whose minds are so readily fogged by the Limbaugh League are so damned dumb, and because I’m pretty sure I’m a good deal smarter, I argue with these nitwits with some frequency, spitting into the ocean of prejudice, misinformation, thick headedness, damn foolishness, and mindless paranoia that constitutes the intellectual content of the vast right wing conspiracy.

But I’m also finding myself at odds with the self-defeating stupidity on my end of the political spectrum as I see so many “progressives” jostling for their place in the line of people who want to proclaim from the rooftops their holier-than-thou intention to not vote for Hilllary Clinton, a woman with whom I have issues, too, though not enough to make me believe she's not incomparably better than whatever walking and talking wrecking agent the Republicans are going to put forward. Two things happened even before Ms. Clinton announced her candidacy: 1) The right wingers started up with all the “scandals” and Benghazi and “Obama’s third term” attacks, and 2) the predictable progressives rushed in to form a left flank attack about what a warmonger, greed enabler, and liar she is.

Dumb fucks of the world, unite. From right to left. Except in this case, the dumber dumb fucks are on the left because they’re going to help the dumb fucks on the right get precisely what they want, even while lots of unoffending working people, women, and people of color take yet another hit, due in part to left wing moral huffiness. That’s a small price to pay for those celestial lefties' ability to remain true to their principles, and it’s mostly a price they don’t have to pay much for, anyway, since lots of these people, at least among those I’ve known, are shielded by tenure, or by pensions, or independent incomes, or even those boho pledges of genteel poverty that allow some of them to keep their consciences clear as an adjunct to their slacker lifestyle choice.

One of the poster boys for the "I'm too good for this shit" attitude appeared right here on the Smirking Chimp a couple of days ago. There's a constituency for that attitude where this particular choir meets to preach to one another, and more than a few writers here write to it for the praise it draws. The guy to whom I refer, in particular, is John Chuckman, and he got some echoes from the likeminded who are in full pursuit of making themselves largely irrelevant in the quest for change. Among other knocks Mr. Chuckman put on Hillary was his wish "that a woman could run for President, but must the candidate be someone who resembles Richard Nixon in drag and shares views (with?) the late ogre, J. Edgar Hoover? Everyone who doubts what a colossally unpleasant character Hillary has in private should read the memoirs of former secret service agents.”

Nasty as that is, he wasn’t done. He continued: “Of course, in the end, Hillary’s mass of deceptions and terrible associations and rotten personality really do not matter because America's real government, its ongoing unelected one, allows no President to depart much from the established script.”

So, according to this oft-repeated line of thought, not only ain’t Hillary worth a shit, but it wouldn’t even matter much if she were. Because, according to left over lefty lethargy, nothing can be done, anyway, so why bother? Boy, do the right wingers love us when we take up that notion.

Nor was Chuckman content with bashing Hillary. The bloodthirsty Barack also came in for the usual sneering.

“Anticipation and excitement about the first woman candidate reminds me of America’s electing and celebrating its first black,” the disapproving Mr. Chuckman wrote, “- a seemingly charming and intelligent man at the time - and he has proved just another George Bush, giving ordinary Americans nothing, and especially his own people.”

Just another Bush? Really. That’s a dumb fuck comparison if ever I heard one, but then hysterical overstatement isn’t exclusive to Tea Party nimrods, is it?

Chuckman’s stirring get-out-the-vote appeal concluded with a call to action that wouldn't have thrilled Mother Jones, or Emma Goldman, or legions of other left wingers who actually thought the struggle was worth their trouble. Here, however, are Mr. Chuckman’s inspiring motivational thoughts.

“In the end, the person America elects as President makes no appreciable difference to what America does in the world," Chuckman wrote, "or how its wealthy rulers treat their own people, a presidential election being little more than the most costly theater performance in the world, “a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.”

Now that'll get people off the couch, won't it? Cynicism is always a big motivator for change and activism, and lots of left wingers love to dress up in theirs and then parade it around for all to see, as though no one ever thought to be discouraged about things before they so perceptively figured this shit out.

One thing that liberals and progressives are exceptionally good at is losing elections even when the issues they support are popular. We’re damn near geniuses at losing, in fact. Hell, we can conduct campaigns so bad that even a guy as dumb as George W. Bush can beat our candidates. In that first contest, Bush may or may not have actually beat Al Gore, but the Gore campaign was so limp (remember that Joe Lieberman was Gore's chosen running mate, picked precisely to minimize any possible distinction between Democrats and Republicans) that the election had to be decided by a Supreme Court stacked with justices selected by one candidate’s daddy. (It wasn't the daddy of the one who lost, incidentally, which kind of argues against the notion that elections don't matter.)

But we lose when we lose because we’re even dumber than those right wingers who are just dumb enough to think elections matter. We’re dumber than the Koch brothers and the Walton heirs who spend billions because they so foolishly believe elections make a difference, and they’d rather not risk having people like Hillary or Barack impeding their whims and desires even just a little.

We’re going to hear a lot of that “our votes don’t matter,” and “Hillary is a DINO” from here on out, and I, for one, hope that attitude doesn’t make enough good people dumb enough to stay home, or to believe that there’s no difference between a center-left Democrat and a cuckoo-ass right wing troglodyte capable of fucking things up far more than some of our doom-crying lefties seem able to imagine.

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