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07/18/15 1:01 AM

#36140 RE: ThinkSustain #36135

Interesting piece of news. Thanks for posting.

There will be many other benefits as well, according to supporters. While other states have in recent years passed legislation declaring gold and silver to be legal tender, analysts say Texas’ new depository could help supercharge the growing movement for an honest and sensible monetary system founded on real money rather than debt-based paper notes conjured into existence by a private banking cartel. Indeed, one of the chief aims of gold-and-silver-as-currency proponents is to restore sound money — and the Texas law could help pave the way.

This seems a good step in the right direction. What is needed in these modern times and increasingly more connected 'countries/communities' of the world is a new monetary system and governance that serves all, it's representative that is fair, trusted and respected by all. At the time the banking cartel came first into existence (1913?) those who originated were kind of 'pioneers'- a small powerful rich group of privileged families- who took the reins of a system that was mainly tailored and intended to serve their own interests and keep it all under their control. Such are all Cartels. First comes to take care of their own special (families/group's) interest.

The need is for a new monetary system that will gain the trust and respect of all and serve all. May be Texas will help towards that goal. The new monetary system must be on a global basis in order to help 'pave the road' for a better world for international co-operation, trade and business based on sound foundations for better relations among nations to also help maintain peace and promote prosperity. The current banking cartel and its controls have outlasted their usefulness, for sometime.