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07/17/15 4:09 PM

#24142 RE: dindindon #24137

I had an order to put 50% of my money into sds at 19.7, but let it expire, not buying afterhours. Have order to put half my money into it on monday at 19.55, lets see if I get filled.

Lots of bullishness out there after several months of going sideways, which is bearish.

Solid trin buy signal last week should carry us higher, maybe into end of August, but my gut is next monday will be a short term high. AD numbers very weak, which is typical of the end of a bull market.


08/03/15 12:06 PM

#24252 RE: dindindon #24137

08/03/15 SPX

(The followers of) Bull has "bullied" (the followers of the) bear for too long .....
it is about the time the pendulum shifts from one extreme towards the other side.

( The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Ferocity link )

according to Eric Hadik, a ~20% correction no later than late September, (imho: gives some margin for such a long cycle projection, again, whipsaw is very pain, first bird got killed, second bird got the worm. wait for signals)

Eric Hadik 06/05/15 STOCK I NDICES
(and some of his other commentaries)

Stock indices are slowly showing signs of topping and have entered the time from late April - late Sept. 2015- when they are most vulnerable to a significant decline.

The SPX may finally be ready to make its move
By Avi Gilburt
Published: Aug 3, 2015 11:06 a.m. ET

As I have been saying for weeks now, I do not have a strong edge as to which direction the market is going to take for its next bigger move, and I am looking for a strong clue. Early next week will likely provide that clue, and should provide us with a directional bias for at least the next few weeks, if not few months.

originally published July 31st, 2015

dindindon Friday, 07/17/15 10:41:49 AM
In spite of those Bullish E-wave calls, the QE induced, mighty SPX shows deterioating sign in monthly chart; i speculate SPX will not reach the middle term target 2213.50 (major:1.500/2130.46, 1.618/2213.50) in the next few months.