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07/13/15 10:47 PM

#341 RE: jfk #340

Before you all jump the gun on an assumption of a retracement of price per share, you might want to read up on the filings over the past few months. I am placing a wager that these non-dilutive capital raises are moving the company forward to finalize P2 data for CardioPET. This is a major milestone that should provide a spark for the company, in that the data (if anywhere close to P1 - in which it should be) will start to attract the bigger fish, which can move both CardioPET and BFPET across the finish line. Based on the data, which should be overwhelmingly positive in comparison to today's current standard, this company most likely gets gobbled up - IMO.

I'm speculating, but feel fairly comfortable with my investment in this price range - especially when many of the larger raises in the past were done at > 60 cents.

Also, I'm not intimately familiar with One Equity Research, but they did a great write-up on the current state of FluoroPharma. Pretty accurate from what I can tell.

Is there still risk here? Absolutely! But in my opinion, the reward greatly outweighs the downside based on the current price per share. Time will tell. Management has been quiet, so I'm hoping there is urgency to get the train back on its track.

Just my two cents.