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07/13/15 5:45 PM

#20871 RE: help me #20870

Nice to see almost another 70k raised. Adding in the last amount it looks like almost 240k in the past 6 weeks has come in.


07/13/15 6:18 PM

#20872 RE: help me #20870

The Doc and company have been good on their words. They want to keep out the "sharks" and have grass root investors come on board who are willing get paid in the long haul without control. Todays filing of issuing more shares are good with me. With a role back almost certain to happen in the future, I couldn't care less if they keep giving out placements to increase funds. It may be a bit slower process than I'd like, but I'm fine with the progress I've seen so far. Once half the funds is raised, I think we can expect to see someone step up to the plate to fund the rest IMO