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07/13/15 10:55 AM

#252211 RE: schlagrock #252209

It doesn't take a pro to question the paths taken. Why would Vitamin Fizz go International before national? You could say its a great opportunity and maybe it is but why didn't a recognized brand like sparkling ice do this? Explain that to me. Infact, have Darin explain that to us.

Secondly, this stock will never go up even if vitamin fizz is in every store, nationwide. Why? If you go in and get a monster or coke or sparkling ice everyday at your favorite store, 9/10 are you looking for something else?

Adding onto this, if no one knows a pile of gold is in an open field how will ever know that the gold This is exactly how fizz is to me. Sure, its in stores and thats great but with no advertising or hype why would i ever go for a fizz if im already drinking sparkling ice?

Right now, things dont look too promising. If you can give me examples otherwise, this stock will churn by doing nothing for another 2 years.


07/13/15 11:34 AM

#252223 RE: schlagrock #252209

I am not saying that I am an expert at running a beverage company, but the experts haven't really been providing us any explanation recently, which many of us have asked them to do on repeated occasion. I would also point out that Coffee Boost has disappeared, which the experts handled. The company made a decision to increase the A/S by 1 billion shares and max us out with that for reasons other than we were told, which is probably the main factor of why the share price is where it is, is it not OK to question the decision to buy a distributor who showed barely any growth YOY in the past quarter when this year's also included Vitamin Fizz? The reason for my "Monday morning quarterbacking" is because 1) the company isn't communicating on these issues (inclement weather in Southern California is not a satisfactory answer IMO) 2) I want to see the company improve and 3) shareholders should want the company to grow within their means so that they don't increase the A/S, perform a R/S or continue to take out further notes, or else our interest in the company continues to be diminished.