As you put it this TURD is never done because Michael will never stop selling shares . THATS THE PRODUCT . It has been the product since this was the medical I cloud and its still the product now that this has changed into a so called cyber company. Michael is a scumbag crook looking to spin a hot topic story and when this so called $300 dollar speaking event is over and the geeks break this so called un breakable BS garage sale soft wear were will Michael move his scam to next. stop trying to make this into something other then its a stock selling scam as it was when it was the I cloud . Michael release this fact in the 10q and the 10q/a he told everyone he gave out 90 million protected shares which did not split at all and now he filed the Form D which shows he already sold off 10,000 shares of the 40 million he has for sale which will crush the common share holders once again. Michael has screwed the common shareholders and it was blessed by the EC and now we see the Form D which shows he is at it again and the person or the compnay who got the shares is from Michaigan and that is the same place we just found out is the home on a golf course who was hored to pump this so called cyber product. WOW Michael is a real scum