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Kool Aid Man

07/10/15 6:14 PM

#63937 RE: Sethb #63926

Again--(for the record)--I have no problem with Jorge Saenz yet save for the company he keeps (i.e. Eddie Vakser). I'm sure he has the best of intentions and is working hard.

However, Imo he will eventually find he's been used and screwed again. My advice to him is to accept >>zero<< BS and lies again from Fast Eddie. Otherwise he'll lose all he's worked for and risk a major hit to his reputation.

I give him props for his part in SUTI buying a small 2% share in another privately run going concern. Just make sure INVESTORS own it and not EDDIE. My gut tells me Eddie will use Jorge as long as his presence makes the stock move after which he'll make Jorge the "bad guy" and give him the boot. At that point, Eddie skips off with the 2% of Canna.
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07/10/15 10:17 PM

#63987 RE: Sethb #63926

If Jorge had not deleted the Kolbe facebook page, the investor could run down the dateline to note every publicly announced projected milestone that was never achieved.
Grow op in a public barn, pharmacy rental building, fleet of armored dope-toting trucks, etc.
Also, Jorge projected earnings of $500k last year and %5mil this year for ecovape, that ain't happening.
These current deals are preconceived pump ploys, nothing more, designed to make investors believe at minimal expense.
Read Vakser's past with ANY of his other companies. It's always BS in the end. Heck, he PRed that he had a LOI to buy one company, someone wrote the CEO of that company and the CEO said he never heard of Vakser. ROFLMAO, maybe the LOI got lost in the mail, or the secretary knew it was a joke.
Too funny what people are willing to believe once they place their dime on the counter of the shell game con master.