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07/14/15 12:26 AM

#80893 RE: Johnny4profits #80890

I think he also made it very clear years ago that money would NEVER be an issue and shareholders would NEVER need to help fund any part of this project.

ChuckD-MSB Saturday, 11/03/12 07:37:08 PM
Re: webtime post# 78732
Post # of 80892
Well I am a common shareholder (and a rather large one at that) so I guess I am done for.

As to some of your claims, so far NOT ONE DOLLAR,/ NAA DAA, / ZIP of Copper King investor money has gone into Camp Bird and the guys who are putting up the money can afford to lose every penny and still have more than you and most everyone here combined have, or will ever have. What's more we don't expect to ever need to ask existing Copper King shareholders for one dime for Camp Bird unless they want a bigger piece of the action.

The people who make real money are the people who are willing to take calculated risks. And the main guy behind Camp Bird has taken calculated risks enough in his career that he has built a fortune in the high nine figures at last count (that's 9 figures on the left side of the decimal point) and has so far committed way less than 1% of his worth to the project.

So, I welcome you to continue to stick around and post your opinion while the rest of us go out and make some more money.

Funny how after 7 years of this scam that any person in the world would believe a single thing mentioned with the word CPRK.
The TIC TOC clock says they need more investor money and they will undoubtedly find a way to pry it from the greedy hands of the few faithful that remain......what a sham......I mean shame.