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07/08/15 11:53 AM

#20129 RE: dakotag #20127

would destroy the stock

Anish has already destroyed the stock, if you hadn't noticed. The "breakout board investment community" knows Bruce Barren is pinkyland Death personified, and that the 51% owner, Anish, has had no problems excercising his convicted embezzler personality. This POS would be better off as a shell. Then there would be no one left in management actively trying to get free money even at .0009 and lower. So just enjoy watching the share printing press run and the billions mount up at the stroke of Anish's pen. HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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07/08/15 11:55 AM

#20130 RE: dakotag #20127

Simple solution is closethe bluestar deal, or at least give us a positive update on the status of it, with firm dates.... that way if they miss the dates, then shareholders will know its a pipe dream, if they follow through and make the closing date, it flys. Not looking good here at the moment, but that can hopefully change. My deadline is Friday on this one.
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07/08/15 12:03 PM

#20131 RE: dakotag #20127

Not greedy to expect follow through on what the company in their own words stated was on its way soon in spring press releases and to expect them to not be nine months behind on filings.

Yes it was nice to see that 10k but you can't confirm a companies health on year old data.

Looking forward to current financials and no stop sign and no longer having very limited information.

I would like to confirm there is something of substance still left after the TCA bloodbath