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07/07/15 4:14 PM

#38151 RE: Peacefulwendy #38149

Thank you for proving my point....this Dr sat on this for 10 years and did nothing with it and watch people suffer until PMCB came along with its ATM share account and throws millions of share at him to sit in front of a stock promoter camera, and all of a sudden it going to cure everything,but no one wanted it ....sounds like a nice guy


07/07/15 4:27 PM

#38153 RE: Peacefulwendy #38149

That's right Wendy. So many made up lies about PMCB that people forget the actual facts. That's why it is best to rely on your own DD, medical papers and ask yourself why would such highly respected doctors be part of something that wasn't outstanding. They are here because of the cure potential of CiaB which will always be fought by the money hungry bio's that fear a cure.