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07/07/15 1:34 AM

#26415 RE: MinnieM #26414

Karin, I would just like to thank you for having the patience in replying very patiently to the likes of hatexxii, fredscott and recently Shelby. One day they will come to their senses, but then again if they don't, you shouldn't lose sleep replying...good night!

Your quote below shows your heart, that's rare these days and thank you for reminding the likes of us all. Appreciate your presence on this board.

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


07/07/15 10:04 AM

#26417 RE: MinnieM #26414

Some interesting responses

regarding XXII and certainly thought provoking regarding present management and the depressed share pricing of the company.

"The prior CEO was removed due to issues that are now being dealt with in court. That creates uncertainty that the market didn't like. In the long run, the removal was a good thing".

Removing the CEO JP at a very critical time in the young life of this upstart XXII was not the most advantageous course to take by the BOD. With the s/p of XXII down 71%, how can anyone state that removing JP was a good thing?

"Red Sun didn't get it's proper launch until recently."

All one has to do is view the Red Sun area of the XXII website and see the lame attempt in the early promotion of red sun by what appeared to be amateurs at best!

"Magic didn't get released in the EU until recently."

And who will take responsibility for the delay?

"The FDA has been the wild card here more so than China and, based on the research being done at NIH, the company may not have to fork up a lot of dollars to do duplicate research. Time will tell on that. I'm hoping they simply incorporate rules allowing the packaging to tout low nicotine cigs"

Does anyone know exactly what is involved in the lengthy and very costly endeavor in the process of clinical studies? Where is the FAR EAST (Japan-China CNTC) deals that have been touted for some time after bringing TP with his connection on board to promote XXII's products. The silence is deafening to state the least!

"The prior CEO still sitting on the board doesn't sit well with those that don't understand he can't be removed until his term is up."

The above needs no other comments other than the timing of this coup could not have come at a worse time in the young upstart life of XXII. Nothing like having a lynching of the CEO by keeping him and all investors hanging in the wind post dump.

" Follow the quarterly from this point on and look for increasing revenues. That in itself will move the stock back up."

Let us all hope that the revenue stream from sales will increase dramatically from the previous quarter.