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07/06/15 9:10 AM

#315179 RE: ChitownMike #315178

One single person had the stones to put up a list of their top movies on UF. The ones I've heard of I've seen a hundred times and wouldn't pay for myself but props to rat.


07/06/15 9:10 AM

#315180 RE: ChitownMike #315178

Yes, 612Rat gave us this list:

> 'Rocky,' 'Fargo,' 'Robocop,' 'Tekken: Kauya's Revenge 2,' 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly,' 'A Magic Christmas,' 'The World's Fastest Indian,' 'Rain Man,' 'The Who - Quadrophenia - Live in London,' 'Charade,' and 40 IMAX titles.

Some of those are real films. Someone with Ultraflix can tell us if UF really has "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" and whether it actually looks better than the Blu-Ray. Last I heard, it was part of a package of 5 films, but so far, they'd only put "Fargo" out of the lot, probably due to the expense.


07/06/15 1:05 PM

#315230 RE: ChitownMike #315178

Perhaps the question should be simplified further, as in, what top ten films ultrasux ACTUALLY has available for download or stream? They list stuff, yet isn't available.

Is steller still there? I didn't check, but is the apple demo app taken down too? Ultrasux was never on the app store. I think the apple app was a older promotion that fizzled.